What Does a Smart Office Look Like?

The average person spends 90,000 hours at work over a lifetime—that’s one-third of their life! It makes sense that workspace should be as efficient and accessible as possible to increase employee engagement, retention, and productivity.

Workplaces that do not mold themselves according to their employees’ needs are coming to an end as we enter an era of “Smart Offices.” Read on to learn more.

What Is A Smart Office?

A smart office is a workspace that uses technology to help employees perform better. The adoption of innovative technology creates a more productive, efficient, and healthy work environment.

In order to achieve these goals, a smart office solution typically incorporates a variety of technologies that connect with the employees, the building, and the existing IT infrastructure.

What Are the Benefits of a Smart Office?

The increased shift towards smart offices marks a paradigm shift from traditional office environments. Digitalization will make work easier for a variety of employees as the workplace becomes more connected, with some businesses choosing to offer a blend of work-from-home and in-office options.

Here are some of the most common benefits companies see after making the switch to smart offices:

● Boost productivity — By streamlining the process of finding and booking meeting rooms, less time and frustration are consumed on nonwork tasks.

● Better use of office space — Smart office solutions can eliminate no-shows by predicting future no-shows, thus maximizing office space.

● Improves collaboration — Smart office solutions make it easier for employees to meet up and find space for impromptu meetings.

● Actionable insights — Smart office solutions provide actionable insights into the usage of rooms and office configurations. Using this data, workplace improvements can be made to help further boost productivity and efficiency.

● Attract and retain — Office Automation solutions can help companies provide an employee experience that attracts and retains employees.

● Improve staff wellbeing — Employees who don't have to worry about little things have more time for the bigger, more important things. “Working smarter, not harder” means getting more done with less stress and less effort.

What Are Some Smart Office Technologies?

There are countless ways to upgrade your office. Here are some ways Hive can bring your office into the future.

● Smart Blinds — By investing in smart blinds, which can be digitally controlled, a business can reduce their environmental impact and be assured their facility meets their needs at any time throughout the day.

● Smart Air Conditioning Systems — You can't expect your employees to be more productive in a hot, stuffy office, or in one that's too cold due to too much air conditioning. By installing a smart air conditioning system, you can ensure that the office is always at the ideal temperature.

● Smart Lights — You can use smart lights in your restaurant's main dining room, your conference room, or your office for a wide range of lighting tasks and accents while ensuring high quality and performance.

● Smart Conference Rooms — Video conferencing or employee meetings can be made a lot more comfortable with smart conference rooms. This shared office space can be monitored easily and the process of booking these office spaces can be expedited.


No matter how quickly your business has embraced the latest technologies or how slow you have been to apply them, you are likely to be able to make several improvements in efficiency and consistency. Get in touch with Hive today to learn more about how we can make your office a smarter operation.

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