Common Problems With Home Security Systems

We recently covered the basics and benefits of alarm security systems, but what are some common problems? Many people are hesitant to get a home security system because they have heard reports of them having issues or have experienced these issues themselves. 

A long-standing myth is that your home alarm system has to be expensive to function properly. However, the reality is, that it doesn’t matter how expensive or inexpensive your home security system is. All homeowners face the same issues when it comes to maintaining their security. 

When it comes to your family’s safety, there are more important factors than price. This includes coverage, technical difficulties, and compatibility. At Hive, we specialize in home automated security systems, ensuring our clients can easily monitor any area in their homes. 

Below, we’ve covered some common issues you may face and how to resolve them.

Five Common Home Security Issues and How to Fix Them

1) Insufficient Coverage for The Entire Home: 

Insufficient monitoring coverage is the biggest issue for many homeowners. Sometimes this is due to purchasing a security system that is too small for the home, leaving areas vulnerable to a breach. 

This is especially common for people who have tried to install a security system themselves or bought a package deal that may not be right for their home. The solution to this is having the right security company come in and do an evaluation of your system to identify weak spots and upgrade or adjust your system as needed.

Check out our recent article on alarm systems to figure out the most vulnerable parts of your home and how to protect them. 

2) Experiencing False Alarms:

False alarms are another issue many homeowners face. These annoyances are often caused by an alarm system not being installed correctly. They can also be triggered by a sound from an open window or outside critters running too close to the sensors. 

False alarms can become very frustrating for homeowners. It causes unneeded distress and can result in residents becoming less reactive should the alarm ring often. 

The best way to prevent them is by having systems properly installed and maintained to ensure they are functioning correctly. Many installation companies, like Hive, have methods to prevent false alarms as much as possible. This includes placing sensors at levels higher than animals but low enough to sense human movement. 

Ask your technician where the best location for your alarm panel is. This will guarantee a convenient way to disarm any false alerts. Most systems also feature an app, allowing you to conveniently disarm the alarm system from your phone. 

3) The System Won’t Alarm or Disarm:

This issue is usually caused by a door or window not being shut properly. However, it can also be indicative that there is an issue with the system itself. If you are sure all your windows and doors are closed, contact your security company to come and inspect your system to determine the cause of the problem. 

4) Your Security Products Won’t Work Together:

Incompatibility is a common problem for people who have purchased security products from different companies. This includes having some do-it-yourself security pieces, and some parts installed from a security company. In some cases, different products may not work well with other systems making the overall security inefficient for your home.

Many companies use different software, often exclusive to them. Syncing several cameras, sensors, and panels can prove almost impossible in this case. 

If you’re looking to outfit your home with a security system, research the products ahead of time. Not only will you get plenty of information on the product’s pros and cons, but you can cross-reference compatibility and budget for your new system. 

Having incompatible cameras, motion detectors, sound sensors, alarms, monitoring stations, and other devices will quickly create a faulty security system. Resolve this by ensuring all of your security components are compatible with one another. Purchasing all your items from the same place, or even better, having a home automation security company do the entire installation, will ensure everything works together correctly. 

5) Security System Lacks Regular Maintenance: 

This is the easiest problem to resolve with your home security system. All you need to do is schedule regular maintenance appointments with your security company so they can make sure every part of your system is working properly. 

Certain parts of your system are more prone to deterioration than others. It’s important to keep track of when certain components should be tested or replaced. For instance, security cameras should be replaced every 5 years, while motion sensors should be checked every 90 days. Hive recommends inspecting the overall system once a year. This allows the technician to check for any loose wiring, shifted cameras, or software updates that may be available.

Don’t forget, regular maintenance can even be as simple as making sure to change the batteries regularly. Forgoing regular maintenance appointments leaves your security system susceptible to breaches and can even leave your family at unnecessary risk.

Your family is important. Common home security issues like these shouldn’t prevent you from keeping yourself and your home safe. Our home security specialists at Hive can help you determine the best type of security system for your home.

We’re here to help answer any questions you have about the home technology process. Call (813) 938-1585 or contact us anytime.


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