More Smart Home Trends for 2021

Home is the place where you spend the most time, where you can be yourself, connect with family and friends, and completely unwind and relax from your hectic everyday life. As a result, your home should be the most comfortable and convenient place you go to. Luckily, smart home technology’s entire purpose is to make your life easier so you don’t have to worry and stress over day-to-day tasks. With a smart home, your family members can take control of multiple devices and processes in your home which makes life more convenient all together. With the start of the new year, we expect to see smart home technology continuing to flourish and gain popularity and there are specific trends to definitely keep your eye on this year. Below are the top 6 trends we will be seeing this year!

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Smart Lock
Through our experience as a smart home company, we’ve noticed that security tends to be the top priority of the majority of our clients. There are numerous ways to help secure you home and family including cameras both indoor and out, alarms, ring lights, motion detectors, and more. However, one of our favorite security devices this year are smart locks. A smart lock is one of the best investments you can make to ensure the security of your home. With a smart lock you’ll be able to lock and unlock your door with your smartphone, which is helpful for a multitude of reasons. Sometimes you forget your keys at home or accidentally lock yourself out or your kid gets dropped off at home and you’re not home and the door is locked! Things happen and having a smart lock to control from any location is beyond helpful. Also, have you ever left the house and can’t remember if you locked the door? And the worry of someone breaking in kind of just looms over you all day? WIth smart locks, you will know with 100% certainty that your home is locked and everything within is safe and sound.

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Smart Surveillance
As much as we love smart locks, they are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to smart security system solutions to incorporate in your home. Smart surveillance is the top way to protect your home, assets, and your family. Many smart surveillance systems today include an outdoor camera that utilizes facial recognition, motion detection, texts or emails you notifications, and even contacts authorities if there is an emergency. Visible cameras are great because the sight of them will most likely deter robbers from targeting you home. Also, in case there is a break-in or any suspicious activity, you’ll be able to monitor it on your smart device.

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Smart Lighting System
Smart lighting, especially cool and colorful lighting schemes seem to be all the rage right now, especially on social media. But smart lighting isn’t just a fad we’re going to see come and go, its popularity is only just beginning. First off, smart lighting just makes your life easier, you don’t have to get out of bed or off the couch every time you want to change your lighting, you can simply do it from your smartphone. Many people don’t realize this, but you can also save a bunch of money on your electricity bill with smart lighting because you can program sets of lights to turn on or off at specific times of day. So at 9am when everyone of your family members including you, leave for work or school, your lights will automatically turn off, and then at 3pm when your kids start to get home, they will turn back on!

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Smart Bathroom
Out of all the rooms in your home, the bathroom is the most private and in most cases, the most relaxing. This is where you unwind, have a moment to yourself, take baths, do your hair, and your 7 step nighttime skin-care routine. Point is, we spend a lot of time in our bathrooms so they should be automated like the rest of the rooms in our home. With standard smart bathrooms you’ll get an automated air freshener, ventilation, self-flushing, and smart controls for your bath and shower! Additionally, you can even use your smart bathroom system to track and analyze how much water you use and adjust your behaviors to be more environmentally cautious and save money.

Smart Kitchen
While bathrooms and bedrooms are important, I don’t think any room is nearly as necessary and as popular as the kitchen. Rather than only working in the kitchen, you can get your kitchen to work for you with smart home automation. For example, with a smart fridge you will be able to keep track of your groceries even if you are not at home! You can even remotely control and schedule your kitchen appliances to turn on or off. So let's say your kids are hungry but you are not home from work yet but want to get a head start on dinner. You can simply command your oven to begin preheating by using the app on your smartphone even though you’re still 15 minutes away from your house! Having full control of your kitchen appliances adds an extra layer of security to your home. For example, if you leave the house right after cooking a meal, you can check your phone and make sure the stove tops were turned off, the freezer was closed shut, and much more.

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All in all, it is really easy to add more smart home devices to your home bit by bit and there are thousands of smart home products on the market today with the purpose of making your life easier and more enjoyable each day.

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